Monday, April 15th- Regional Golf
Tuesday, April 16th- Regional Golf; English I Test; RLA Test 6th-8th grade
Wednesday, April 17th- English II Test; RLA Test for 3rd-5th grade; Josten's Ring Ceremony at 2:15pm
Thursday, April 18th- Fentanyl Prevention Presentation at 2:15pm; Camo Banquet at the Church of Christ at 6:00pm (Seniors)
Friday, April 19th- Early Release at 12:30pm; Regional Track Meet at SPC
Saturday, April 20th- Regional Track Meet at SPC
Health science students practicing phlebotomy skills in class today. This skill is needed for the Patient Care Technician certification. We have fun and exciting stuff happening in our CTE classes.
Congratulations to these 3 Seniors!
Chrislin Roden, Aracely Garza, and Allee Hamilton were presented with honor cords from South Plains College for completing more than 24 credit hours with their institution.
Way to go!!!
8th Grade Parent Meeting
Monday, April 22nd at 5:30pm
School Cafeteria
We will discuss transition from JH to HS!
Tuesday, April 9th- 6th Six Weeks Begins
Wednesday, April 10th- 1st & 2nd Grade Field Trip; SPC Dual Credit Student Workshop; District JH Track Meet (H) beginning at 4pm
Thursday, April 11th- Area Track Meet at Hermleigh
Friday, April 12th- Early Release at 12:30pm; CDE at SPC
Saturday, April 13th- Area CDE at Tech
Congratulations to the 2024-2025 JH & HS Cheer Squad
Dana Conrad will be at Prom starting at 6:00pm to take pictures. Orders will be digitally sent via email. The photographer area is closed to the public. Click on the link below for the order form.
Monday, April 1st- Easter Monday Holiday (No School)
Tuesday, April 2nd- HS Tennis at SPCHEA
Wednesday, April 3rd- HS UIL Academics at Jayton
Thursday, April 4th- HS District Track Meet at Jayton
Friday, April 5th- 5th Six Weeks ends; HS Golf at Roaring Springs (Boys & Girls); 2024-2025 Cheer Tryouts; Early Release at 12:30pm
Saturday, April 7th- HS Tennis at Matador; Junior/Senior Prom beginning at 7:00pm
Monday, March 25th- HS Golf (Girls) at Haskell; Double Mountain Relays (JH) at Aspermont; Board Meeting at 7pm
Tuesday, March 26th- Bi-District OAP at Post
Wednesday, March 27th- HS GOlf (Boys) at Haskell; Bulldog Boast Celebration
Thursday, March 28th- Double Mountain Relays (HS) at Aspermont
Friday, March 29th- Good Friday (NO SCHOOL)
NO SCHOOL on Monday, April 1st. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 2nd.
Tuesday, March 19th- NHS Induction Ceremony @6pm in the Auditorium
Wednesday, March 20th- HS Tennis at Levelland
Thursday, March 21st- Secondary Bulldog Boast Celebration for 1st semester; Rolling Plains Relays (JH) at Jayton beginning with the 2400m run at 2:30pm
Friday, March 22nd- Early Release at 12:30pm; Rolling Plains Relays (HS) at Jayton beginning with the 3200m run at 11:00am
Congratulations to Riley Davis and Kenzi Allen for completing the TTHSC Rural Student Health Sciences Mentorship Program. These young ladies completed the program with a Mentor Day at TTHSC on Wednesday where they were involved in tours, listened to speakers from the school of medicine and school of nursing, they learned how to suture a laceration, were involved in Sim Lab experiences where they performed CPR in an operation room setting, learned how to look for artery blockage using sonogram technology, learned how to pinpoint where a heart murmur is and were able to use the interactive dissection table.
Monday, March 4th- CX Debate vs. Aspermont (H)
Tuesday, March 5th- Youth Aware of Mental Health Session Five (10th & 11th); Mandatory Cheer Meeting for parents/guardian at 5:30pm
Wednesday, March 6th- TELPAS Testing; Assembly for JH & HS Students (Speaker Jamie Warren)
Thursday, March 7th- Golden Spur Relays (JH) beginning at 4pm
Friday, March 8th- Early Release at 12:30pm; Golden Spur Relays (HS) beginning at 12:30pm
Saturday, March 9th- HS Tennis Meet (H)-TBA
Spring Break is March 11th-15th
Classes will resume on Monday, March 18th
Congratulations to the Spur One Act Play cast and sponsors for advancing. Great job
Monday, February 26th- Board Meeting @ 7pm
Tuesday, February 27th-
Wednesday, February 28th- Youth Aware of Mental Health Session Four (10th & 11th)
Thursday, February 29th- District OAP (H) with the first play starting at 1:00pm; JH Track Meet at Crosbyton beginning at 4pm
Friday, March 1st- Early Release at 12:30pm; HS Track Meet at Crosbyton beginning at 4pm
Congratulations to senior Macye Maben for competing and earning a 10,000 dollar San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo Scholarship yesterday!!! Great Job!!
Monday, February 19th- Youth Aware of Mental Health Session 2 (10th & 11th); SHAC Meeting at 5:30pm in the Cafeteria
Tuesday, February 20th-
Wednesday, February 21st- Youth Aware of Mental Health Session 3 (10th & 11th)
Thursday, February 22nd-
Friday, February 23rd- Early Release at 12:30pm
In honor of Career and Technical Education Month, we followed Mrs. Beshirs' Science of Nursing class as they practiced taking blood pressures. CTE classes prepare students with real-world skills they can use in a wide-range of industries.
On February 7th, we had Stop the Bleed Training for grades 7th-12th. Thank you to some of the staff from the UMC Level 1 Trauma Center for coming out and doing this for our students.
Monday, February 12th- Student Holiday/ Staff Development; Girls Bi-District Playoff Game vs. Petersburg at Roosevelt beginning at 8:00pm
Tuesday, February 13th- 5th Six Weeks Begins; VB vs. Guthrie (T) at 6:15pm
Wednesday, February 14th- Valentines Breakfast with Parents (7:30am); Youth Aware of Mental Health Session One (10th & 11th)
Thursday, February 15th- HOBO Banquet at the First Baptist Church at 6:30pm
Friday, February 16th- Early Release at 12:30pm
Mrs. Price's technology classes and health class received certificates for completing courses in the following areas:
6th grade-Financial Literacy, Digital Wellness and Safety
7th grade-Financial Literacy
8th grade-Understanding Mental Wellness, Building Healthy Relationships
Way to go!!!