The Greasers and Socs have been spotted at Spur Junior High!! 8th grade are celebrating finishing The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. They are watching the movie adaptation, eating chocolate cake, and drinking cherry Kool-Aide. Stay gold, 8th graders!!
Spur ISD Summer Feeding Program
Spur ISD is required to participate in the Texas Department of Agriculture Summer Feeding Program. The cafeteria will be open each week day beginning Tuesday, May 31, through Thursday, June 30. Any child 18 years and younger will be able to eat lunch for free in the cafeteria. The meal will be served from 11:45 A.M. to 12:15 P.M. The meal will be of the same quality as those served throughout the school year; however, only one entrée will be served each day. Again, any child 18 years old or younger may eat lunch for free. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Monday- Joyland for end of the year AR party; Athletic Banquet at 6pm in the cafeteria
Tuesday- SPEC 4th grade Safety Program beginning at 9:15am; FFA Banquet at 6pm in the Cafeteria
Wednesday- Elementary Field Day beginning at 9am
Thursday- Last day of school; Kindergarten graduation at 9:30am; Early Release at 1pm
Friday- Teacher Inservice; Graduation at 7pm in the auditorium
Our goal is to recognize students, prek-12, who do exceptional things in the classroom or around the school. We asked all school employees to be on the “lookout” for our kiddos doing good deeds. At the end of each month we recognize those deserving students
Lilli Abbott
Cash Adams
Hayes Hindman
Zachary Vasquez
Porter Abbott
Lily Vaughn
Kodah Tagle
Jagger Zarate
Zek Mosley
Josiah Phillips
Juan Molina
Gavin Arnold
Paige Bonham
Monday- Spur Masonic Lodge Scholarship reception at 6:00pm
Tuesday- Algebra I EOC STAAR Test; Blood Drive at the High School parking lot at 1pm
Wednesday- Biology EOC STAAR Test; Senior Trip
Thursday- US History EOC STAAR Test; 8th grade Science STAAR Test; Senior Trip
Friday- 8th grade Social Studies STAAR Test; Pre-K Bike safety day; Early Release at 1pm; Senior Trip
Monday- Dual Credit Presentation (SPC) 9th-11th grade @ 10:30AM; Board Meeting @ 7:00PM
Tuesday- Spring Concert Pre-K thru HS Band @ 6:00PM in the Auditorium
Wednesday- Abilene Zoo Field Trip for Pre-K
Thursday- Camo Banquet (Seniors) at the Church of Christ @ 6:00PM
Friday- Regional Track Meet at SPC in Levelland; Early Release @ 1:00PM
Saturday- Regional Track Meet at SPC in Levelland
"When Sean Speaks" assembly is tomorrow in the auditorium beginning at 2:15pm. It's a mother-son team dedicated to spreading the word that alcohol, automobiles, and asphalt don't mix. Parents are welcome to attend.
Monday- HS Band Trip to Six Flags in Arlington Texas; Regional Golf Tournament in Lubbock; SHAC Meeting @5:30pm
Tuesday- ACT for Juniors; "When Sean Speaks" Assembly @ 2:15pm in the Auditorium; Western Banquet (Seniors) at the Methodist Church at 6pm
Wednesday- Senior Supper at the Catholic Church @ 7pm
Thursday- Area Track Meet at Post
Friday- Early Release @ 1pm; Regional Academic UIL at SPC in Levelland
Good Luck to Paige Gonzalez & Alyssa Fulmer as they compete at the Regional Tennis meet at SPC in Levelland.
Paige Bonham placed 5th at the State FCCLA conference in the Public Policy Advocate Division. Although the competition was extremely hard, Paige competed well and we are so proud of her.
Monday- Regional Tennis at SPC in Levelland
Tuesday- Regional Tennis at SPC in Levelland; JH District Track Meet (H) at 3:45pm
Thursday- HS District Track Meet at Jayton beginning at 9:15am
Friday- No School Easter Holiday
Thursday 4-14-22 Has been changed from a full day to an Early Release day. The time for the Early Release will be at 12:00 instead of our normal 1:00pm. Buses will run at 12:00. Sorry for the late notice.
Good luck to our state bound FCCLA members as they head to Dallas to compete!!!
Gavin Arnold, Paige Bonham, Anna Garza, Jacob Littrell, Madison Ruddick and their advisor Mrs. Beshirs!
Thank you to our Business Manager, Jodi Martinez!
She presented to our seniors about the process of joining the workforce and understanding tax forms.
Monday- Student Holiday/Staff Development Day; HS District Golf at Roaring Springs; Pre-K Roundup from 10AM-12PM Tuesday- Begin 6th Six Weeks; STAAR Testing English 1 Wednesday- FCCLA State Conference at Dallas; FFA Tarleton Area Contest Thursday- STAAR Testing English 2 ; FCCLA State Conference; Science Spectrum Field Trip (K-2nd); Superhero Banquet (Seniors) at Freedom Church @6pm Friday- FCCLA State Conference; Vet Science Area Contest at Canyon; Wear Blue for Child Abuse Prevention Day; Early Release @ 1pm Saturday- FFA Area at Tech; Junior/Senior Prom at 6:00pm
Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Spur Cheerleaders
Spur Junior High Cheerleaders
Weslyn Givens
Keylee Hobbs
Khloe Matthews
Kimberly Pafford
Saegan Molina
Lily Vaughn
Kylie Weiser
Spur High School Cheerleaders
Riley Davis
Addison Fulmer
Alyssa Fulmer
Ravaya Kuenstler
Bucki Smith
Emmy Swaringen
Tatum Walker
Monday- Rotan Yellowhammer Invitational Golf Tournament at 9am; JH Track Meet at Aspermont beginning at 3:45pm; Board Meeting at 7pm
Tuesday- HS District Tennis at Vernon, Tx
Thursday- Cheer Tryouts
Friday- End of the 5th 6 weeks; Eastern New Mexico University Foreign Language Fair; HS Track Meet at Aspermont beginning at 12:30pm
Saturday- FFA TTU Invitational
Congratulations to our Spur ISD OAP who competed at Bi-District competition today! Although they did not advance we are super proud of them. Congratulations to Hannah Mosley (Allstar Cast). Emmy Swaringen (Honorable Mention Allstar Cast)and Allee Hamilton (Honorable Mention Allstar Cast)
Thank you to Kayla Bateman and Vanessa McGalliard from South Plains Electric Coop! They presented to our seniors about utility services, payment responsibility, and employment opportunities.
Monday- Roaring Springs Invitational Golf Tournament; Rolling Plains Relays (JH) in Jayton beginning @ 3:45pm
Tuesday- HS UIL Academics @ Jayton; SPEC meeting with the Seniors @10:30am
Wednesday- HS Tennis @ Jayton; CPR/AED Class for Sophomores
Thursday- Bi-District OAP @ Post; Farm & Ranch Expo at WTC
Friday- Early Release @ 1pm; Rolling Plains Relays (HS) at Jayton beginning at 12pm; FFA WTAMU Invitational CDE
Saturday- FFA Clarendon College CDE